Lots of changes are going on in my neck of the woods. God is moving and doing all kinds of new things.  I always say that I love change as long as it’s my idea. That gives you an indication of how things are going here!  The Lord has been talking to me about letting go of the old, yet I find myself grieving and pouting rather than taking His advice:

“Forget the former things;
do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 43:18-19

sprout fade

The trouble I’m having is that I can only see tiny little sprouts of the new thing He is bringing about. I can’t really tell what it is, or what it will look like. So I’d much rather hang on to the old thing.  It’s fully visible. It’s familiar.

Then, last night I went to bible study and heard a teaching on pruning. Suddenly, I realized that what God is doing in me right now isn’t about a “right” thing versus a “wrong” thing.  It’s not about punishment or His preference over mine. It’s not about me giving up something so He’ll give me something in return… as if I had any negotiating power.

It’s about fruit. It’s about pruning to gain more fruit.

Even though I’ve already blogged about this subject, I find myself under the Master Gardener’s care and needing to write about the pruning process once again. There are some old blooms in my life that need to be cut away to make room for new blooms…new fruit.

rose prune

Jesus talks about this process in John 15:1-2…

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.  He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.

These verses tell me that all things need to be pruned from time to time. Not just dried-up and fruitless branches, but fruitful branches must be pruned as well. There goes my secret hope that He’ll leave certain things alone in my life!!  His goal is fruit: more love, more joy, more peace, more patience, more goodness, more kindness, more gentleness, more faithfulness, more self-control. While some things in our lives can damage or inhibit our spiritual growth, it’s not always the removal of things that facilitates more fruit.

It’s the process of pruning that grows us, shapes our character,

and makes us more like Jesus — the most fruitful of all.

For those who fear the pruning process, let me be clear. He’s been tender… gently asking me to let go of things and giving me fair warning of what will be removed. But the truth is that whether or not I want to let go, He’ll eventually prune them away.

Our cooperation in the process makes a big difference.  When we stop wrestling over the thing He wants to remove, we will see that His ways are higher than ours.  We’ll see what He is really up to. He may prune out a job, a relationship, or a ministry, but what He’s really trying to root out is fear. Resentment, Selfishness. Pride. Self-sufficiency.

Can I lay down my will and my wants or will I be angry and bitter? Will I run in fear, or will I trust the Master Gardener and believe that He is doing this because He is good and He loves me? Will I learn to embrace the pruning, knowing that this process is achieving God’s dreams for me? Can I testify with certainty that pruning is good?

Holy Spirit, teach me to yield. Speak truth to me when my heart begins to fear the pruning process. Point me back to Jesus, back to the Father so that He may have His way in me. 

Have you ever noticed how many times the Exodus story is recounted in the Old Testament? The Lord was very clear with His people that they should never forget how He saved them from slavery in Egypt. He wanted them to always remember how He brought them into their own land and blessed them.

I’m realizing that this “remember” mindset is key to living a life of joy, freedom, and peace. I have been reading the psalms every day for months now, and I come across passages like this all the time:

Why, my soul, are you downcast?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.

My soul is downcast within me;
therefore I will remember you
from the land of the Jordan,
the heights of Hermon—from Mount Mizar.

Psalm 42:5-6

When we are downcast… depressed, feeling lonely and defeated, we need to turn our gaze upward. The Lord calls us to praise Him in these times. I find that this is the hardest time to praise Him! These verses are very clear though… we are to praise Him simply by remembering.

Remember how He has saved you in the past. Think back to when He rescued you. Look back to when He provided all that you needed. Remember all of the loving things that He has done for you.

As soon as I start doing this, I am lifted right out of the pits. The despair leaves and His peace comes. I am even able to experience joy. This is why the Lord always instructed His people to remember.

If you’re like me, there was a time when looking back did not bring me peace or joy. Remembering did not lead to praising my God. When you look into the past, are there seasons or moments when the Lord seemed absent? Uncaring? Angry? Distant?

I had a couple of moments in my life that were painful, to the degree that it paralyzed me to wonder where God was in those times. The things that happened to me were so ungodly that I couldn’t make sense of His part in it. Why did He let that happen?

I have a dear friend that challenged me to ask Him. Where were you God? Show me where You were. Show me Your heart. Why did you let that happen?

Well, I asked. And, of course, He answered. Not immediately, but over time He began to reveal things to my heart through scripture and in my prayer times.  Then one night, when some friends were praying over me, I saw some images in my mind. I saw myself in one of those painful situations. I saw the situation end the way I always remembered it, but then I saw Jesus enter the picture and minister to me in that painful moment. There were many tender words and actions that followed. I felt such healing!

I want to challenge you… if you are unable to look back and stand on what God has done for you in the past, then you need to ask Him to show you where He was. I promise you that He will answer. Be open to the ways that He will communicate to you! Through a movie, a bible verse, a word from a friend. Maybe a gentle whisper in your heart during your time of worship. Be ready to hear from Him!

As much as hope looks forward, faith looks backward. Our faith is strengthened every time we look back and praise our God for the miracles He has done in our lives. Take time every day to remember!

I had some thoughts about faith last night.  Since it was date night at Knott’s, there were no strollers, no sibling squabbles. Just grown-ups going on rides and enjoying good food and company.

As one of the roller coasters was pulling us into the loading dock, I had these thoughts:

How foolish to put my life in the hands of 18-year-old ride operators in a 20 year old car, coasting along on metal rails, cruising at dangerous speeds over asphalt and trees!!!! Why is it so easy to trust that the rollercoaster is going to stay on track and keep me safe?

If I can put my trust in a roller coaster, then why is it so hard to put my trust in God? Silence. Pit in stomach. Ouch.

I started thinking about the reasons that cause me to step out in faith on a roller coaster. It’s thrilling, of course. I have the opportunity to watch it run the track over and over. People get on, and they get off safe and sound. My faith and trust build as I witness others survive and enjoy the experience. The more that I ride the coaster, the more comfortable I become. Every time that I return safely to the dock, my faith is fueled and I have what I need to do it again.

So, what can I learn from roller coasters to develop my trust in God? I need to watch others in their faith walk. Take note of the tumultuous paths they endure… and eventually exit. Listen to their stories and let that strengthen my faith.

I need to keep trusting God with whatever He calls me to (and whatever He does not call me to).  Let Him lead, let Him conduct, let Him choose the track. Every time I follow Him on a roller coaster ride… I must look back and remember what I enjoyed. Keep record of the miracles He performed for me and the lessons He taught me.

The more I ride with Him… the more I will trust Him for the next round!