I have been tiptoeing around the perimeter of this post, knowing that I needed to put some things in writing, but a little fearful of the emotion that is bulging from a certain compartment of my heart. That daughter part of my heart.

It’s so heavy, yet freeing. It demands vulnerablility, yet brings comfort. I am fairly certain that I will do more deleting than typing as I press through the writing process here.Read more »

I’m no longer concerned about saving money for my children’s college education. What I really need to do is start a therapy fund for them. They are going to need some professional help after being my child for 18 years!

Many things combined to make this week another difficult one. Baby and I were hit with a cold. My hormones are performing one death defying loop-the-loop after another. I am allowing homeschool to present an endless list of to-do’s instead of fun learning experiences.

This morning, I read a timely devotion from Streams in the Desert. Here’s the part that got me:

Left alone. What different emotions these words bring to mind for each of us! To some they mean loneliness and grief, but to others they may mean rest and quiet. To be left alone without God would be too horrible for words, while being left alone with Him would be a taste of heaven!

Our Master (Jesus) set an example for us. Remember how often He went to be alone with God? And there was a powerful purpose behind His command, “When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray.”  (Matthew 6:6)

Earnestly desire to get alone with God. If we neglect to do so, we not only rob ourselves of a blessing, but rob others as well, since we will have no blessing to pass onto them.

The fact is that when I do not find time daily to be alone with God and allow Him to fill me, I am getting by instead of living. I am surviving instead of thriving.

This week I realized that when I am only surviving, then my kids are doing the same. I want to see them THRIVING, not surviving. They deserve the best! I need to lead by example here…. and I can only do it by getting alone with God!

I felt totally energized when I woke up this morning. Planned to get a shower, have a little time reading my bible and praying, and make scones for breakfast.

Well, I couldn’t get out of the shower because the water was so warm… and suddenly time was slipping away. I began to hurry.

I mixed the scone ingredients together and the dough was so darn sticky! I was in tears and so frustrated trying to get the dough portioned out on the stone for baking, now that the time had come to send my older daughter off with dad.

How quickly my own good attitude fizzled out. That stupid dough was God’s way of reminding me that I won’t get anywhere on my own power.

Initially, I skipped out on the quiet time with Him — and I didn’t get very far. The dough (and cascading meltdown) sent me straight to prayer and my devotional book. (Where I should have begun!)

Funny how God uses the littlest things to get my attention. Thankfully, I was paying attention this time.

When the scones came out of the oven… warm and sweet… I was reminded of how God can make something good out of any sticky mess.

Thank goodness.