Ever feel like it’s just one thing after another?

This morning I was feeling sorry for myself, and the Lord reminded me that what I am going through is NOT just about the moment. It’s more about my future. It’s transforming me now, and preparing me for later.

Now and later.

The circumstances He’s allowing, the inner stirring that forces us to deal with wounds and junk in our hearts, the conflicts of life, the disappointments… it’s all for good reason.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him,

who have been called according to his purpose.  Romans 8:28

You’ve probably heard this verse a million times. I looked up some of the words today. Did you know that the word “all” means everything individually, as well as collectively? Interesting. Sometimes we don’t know the value of something alone… but when God combines it with other things, collectively, He performs a wonderfully detailed work in our lives.

The phrase “work together” translates as the word “synergeo” in Greek. As you might have guessed, it’s the root of our word “synergy”. It means to partner in labor and to put forth power together. The circumstances and hardships of our lives work together with the blessings and God-provisions in order to transform us. The Holy Spirit puts forth power in all things to draw us closer to Him and to make us more like Jesus.

Romans 8:28 promises that all these things will work together for good. It’s the same word that James uses here:

Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights,

who does not change like shifting shadows.  James 1:17

As well as the same word that Jesus uses here:

Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things;

I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!  Matthew 25:21

He wants to give us good, and call us good. This is His goal. Whatever you face today… it’s for now and later. Chew on it, savor the sweetness (or bitter-sweetness) and rejoice!

Read this mind-pricking quote this morning by  Oswald Chambers. (My Utmost for His Highest):

“Abraham did not choose the sacrifice. Always guard against self-chosen service for God, self-sacrifice may be a disease.”

Wow. That is the basic problem of my life. I want to choose, darn it!!  I want things to be easy, to go smooth.

However, God wants me to grow up and be more like His son Jesus.   He permits difficult situations in my life and calls me to do things that are beyond my abilities. I must learn to surrender to HIS choice, to HIS plans, to HIS ways.

Abraham was asked to give that which was most precious to him. God was only testing him, but Abraham was good with letting God choose.

Oswald Chambers goes on to give us advice about how to proceed. When God chooses the cup that we must drink in our lives, we should accept it with grace if it’s sweet, and “drink it in communion with Him” if the cup is bitter.

Today, my cup is bittersweet. Some really, really tough times sandwiched with some of the sweetest blessings I’ve ever received.

I guess that letting Him choose isn’t so bad after all.

My three month old baby hates to be in the car. He screams like crazy whenever I have to take  him somewhere. My daughters and I have nearly gone mad having to ride with him! The other day, my nine year old asked me to turn on some music in the car. She handed me a Switchfoot CD and asked me to turn it up. I had to crank it up pretty high to hear it over the baby’s shrill cries.

Then something amazing happened. He stopped crying.  I guess he likes his music loud.

Needless to say, we’ve been listening to a lot of Switchfoot in the car. One of the songs that is sticking with me is “The Shadow Proves the Sunshine”.

You can’t have a shadow unless there is sunshine.  Something blocks the sunlight, and the shadow is created.

I was thinking about the shadows in my own life. How the dark days that I face sometimes prove that there is light shining on me. On one side of me, the Lord is shining His light. On the backside, there are some shadows. I can’t have one without the other.

I have a choice to make. Do I turn my head toward the shadow and focus on its darkness, or do I turn my face to His light? I must fix my eyes on the love, grace, and power of Jesus in my life. He is shining on me. I can feel it.