psalm 16
The Lord made this psalm very personal for me today. Thought I’d share…
I keep you safe, My love. Take refuge in Me.
I am your Lord. Apart from Me, you have no good thing.
You are My daughter, set apart in the land. You are My glorious one and I delight in you.
Your sorrow will increase if you run after other things; other gods. Have nothing to do with them. Do not speak their names.
I have assigned you the portion you need. I have filled your cup. I have made your provision secure.
I have set your boundary lines in pleasant places. Surely you have a delightful inheritance from Me.
Praise Me now, for I am the One who counsels you. Even at night, you hear the instructions I have set in your heart.
I am before you. I am at your right hand, so you will never be shaken.
Be glad in your heart and rejoice in Me. Let your body rest secure in Me.
I will never abandon you.
I will never let you go.
I am making known to you the path of life.
Come into My presence and be filled with joy. Only then will you know eternal pleasure. It comes from Me alone.