I am so excited to announce that my book has been released on Amazon! It is available in paperback and ebook.

Even though it is a devotional, it would work well for Bible study groups. Have each member complete a few of the days each week, then come together as a group to discuss the material and questions!

Please let me know what you think of the book via comments below, on Facebook, Instagram, or by leaving a review on Amazon.

I am so excited to be releasing my first book in November! I thought I’d share an excerpt of the book so you’ll have a better idea of what it will be like. It is a 30 day devotional journey through Psalm 23, with interactive questions and prayer experience prompts. I hope you enjoy the sneak peek… and I pray that the Lord speaks to your heart.

Day 1:  The Song of the Shepherd

Psalm 23 is one of the most commonly quoted Bible passages of all time. It is heard at funerals, quoted in movies, featured in greeting cards and on gift items. Perhaps because it is so common and familiar, most of us rush by it in our reading of the Bible. We know what it says and what it means, so we hurry on to other passages that we hope contain some new insight.

Perhaps shepherding is too far removed from our modern daily experiences. Psalm 23 may be a passage that we don’t readily connect with since we do not know the intricacies of the shepherd life, especially that of ancient times. So, we rush on to other passages that seem more relevant.

When God first asked me to teach an in-depth study on Psalm 23 that would result in five or six weekly lessons, I was doubtful.  I didn’t think there was enough material in Psalm 23 for a study that long. I was so wrong! How often we are limited by our own perspectives and preferences.

My initial thoughts stemmed from the misleading familiarity that I had with the psalm, as well as my propensity to rush by the passage in search of something new. God challenged me to look for something new right there in the familiar.  He also brought to my attention the fact that we “hear” the psalm in David’s voice, but in reality, all of Scripture is inspired by God. What if we read the passage anew, and thought of it as God speaking?

֍ Permit me to change the wording in Psalm 23. Slow down, allow your heart and mind to be open, and hear His voice singing the Song of the Shepherd. Take your time, reading more than one time.

I am the Lord your Shepherd.

In My care, you shall not want for anything.

I am inviting you lie down in My lush green pastures.                                         

I am leading you beside quiet, calming waters.

I am refreshing and restoring your soul.

I am guiding you along righteous paths for the sake of My name.

Even though you may walk through the darkest valleys, you will fear no evil.       

Why? Because I AM with you.

My shepherd’s rod and staff bring comfort to you.

I am preparing a bountiful table before you in the presence of your enemies.         

I am anointing your head with oil. Your cup is overflowing.   

Surely My goodness and love follow you all the days of your life.    

You will dwell in My house, with Me, forever.


֍ Reflect: What is the Shepherd saying to you right now? 

֍ What is He inviting you to do?

I’m excited to announce that my first book will be released in November 2019! This book was born out of an in-depth Bible study that I taught last year on Psalm 23, so it is full of historical and biblical background, valuable insight and practical application. Come Hear the Song of the Shepherd is a 30-day devotional with daily readings that include interactive prayer and spiritual experience prompts. It’s my prayer that this book will fall into the hands of any person who longs for a deeper relationship with God, but can’t seem to get there or stay there. I’ll post again when the book becomes available on Amazon!