I didn’t realize it until I wrote the date in my journal, but today is an anniversary of sorts. Exactly five years ago today was the due date for a pregnancy that was not meant to be.

We were all giddy when the doctor announced that our baby would arrive on 8-08-08. The perfection of the date seemed to be confirmation that God was fulfilling His promise — and confirmation that we weren’t crazy to have a baby simply because we thought He was asking us to.

Eleven weeks into the pregnancy, we went to a doctor’s appointment only to find that the baby had stopped thriving. It was a tragic time for us, not only because we lost the baby, but because we wondered if we’d heard Him right. If we’d ever heard Him right. It was a sort of a spiritual crisis for me.

A lot of grieving followed. To our surprise, a lot of good followed. I want to share about one of the sweetest things that comes to mind as I reflect on this anniversary.

After the miscarriage, time seemed to be measured by ovulating cycles and negative pregnancy tests.  June arrived and I was feeling rather desperate and far from the Lord. I remember stepping outside the last-days-of-homeschool-chaos in my dining room and saying to God, “I need to hear from You. I need something… a sign that You still have me in Your hand.”

The day wore on, and in the late afternoon I received a phone call from a friend.

“This is totally last minute, and crazy, but I am leaving tomorrow for a scrapbook weekend in the mountains, and I want to know if you’ll come with me. For free. Talk to your hubby and call me back ASAP!”

It turned out that someone had paid for their spot at this cozy cabin weekend, but couldn’t go. So I got to go. For free! I knew that was God’s answer to my I-need-a-sign prayer. It was a far more extravagant sign than I had anticipated!

The weekend was full:  sweet friends, gourmet food, scrapbooking, and evening walks in the mountains. God ministered to me so tenderly that weekend. I had been guarding my heart from Him, but on the drive up the mountain, I opened up, and He began speaking to me so clearly.

On one walk that weekend, He drew my attention to some trees scattered along the edge of someone’s property. It was clear that the trees had been kept meticulously over the years. I noticed knobs and little stumps all over the tree trunks. As I drew closer, I could see that each knob represented a branch that had been cut off. I thought, who would take the time to do all of this? And whatever for?

God whispered the answer immediately…  the owner cuts off every low branch so that the tree will grow higher. The Lord began to talk to me about all of the branches He’d recently cut off in my life. It was affirming to hear Him review all of the losses that had caused me to grieve and question Him. There were relationships, finances, opportunities, service positions…and the baby. All cut off in a short time frame.

He affirmed my pain. Indeed, this process of pruning and redirecting is painful. But an important truth was made clear: God wants me to grow higher.  I’m often content to grow sideways, pursuing the things that please me, but God wants me to grow upward.

Later that day, while sitting on a bench with my sweet friend, God drew our attention to another tree, one much larger than the original ones I observed:

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This is a drawing from my journal that weekend. Near the top of the tree we were looking at, I could see two branches that formed nearly a perfect cross. I knew it was a symbol of the future He had planned for me. The sun was descending behind the tree and the cross branches were practically glowing. The whole scene shifted my focus from grief to hope and expectation. I was confident that God had better things for me if I were to keep growing upward and letting go when lateral branches needed to be removed.  I knew He’d bring us a baby at some point (which He did).  For the first time in months, sitting on that wooden bench miles from home, my heart was at peace.

Funny how the anniversary of something lost can turn out to be the anniversary of His kindness and faithfulness.  An anniversary of trouble can become an anniversary of hope. That’s how God works.

Therefore I am now going to allure her;
I will lead her into the wilderness
and speak tenderly to her.
There I will give her back her vineyards,
and will make the valley of trouble a door of hope.
Hosea 2:14-15



You can read more about our baby adventure in previous blogs:

the desire of my heart

the wailing wall


It’s been quite a while since I’ve written anything on my blog here. For a season, I was writing a blog for a friend’s ministry, but that has come to a close. So here I am again, feeling the need to put some thoughts together and share what God is doing.

I originally began this blog when the Lord called me out of ministry to be strictly home-focused. My son had just been born, and blogging gave me the opportunity to do something valuable in addition to changing diapers and nursing.

So, I hope to get back to posting on a regular basis. I thought i was ready to write my first post today, but sitting here, I realize I’m a little rusty and my thoughts have not come together completely.

You never know what the day will hold!! I dropped my daughter off at a club meeting about 11 miles from our house. On the way home, I decided to avoid the terribly congested freeway and take the windy road through Lake Matthews.

As my car approached the section of road that goes up and over the lake, I noticed the car in front of me getting impatient.  She made the mistake of moving a little too far to the right. Suddenly, the dust and gravel on the side of the road got under her tires… and she lost control. Swerving one way, and then the other, her car was facing me in a matter of seconds and I looked her right in the eyes. It was unbelievable! A moment later, she smashed into the half-wall that kept her from plummeting to the bottom of the lake.

I was so shaken! Half thrilled that my car did not get sucked into that destructive vortex… and half panicked about the condition this woman would be in when I approached her car. Thankfully, several people stopped and someone helped the injured driver step out of her car.

So thankful. So grateful to have averted disaster.

Now that I am home… this crash has me thinking and praying. And a little ticked.

I am so tired of watching people in my life spin out. Swerve across the lanes of their lives. Crash into the wall and hurt other people. I am stinking mad at the enemy who lives to destroy families, isolate people, and break hearts.

I’m seeing marriage after marriage end. I’m watching good people try to do what’s right and hurt others in the process. I’m witnessing relationship after relationship implode as miscommunication and hurt feelings run rampant.

Meanwhile, I’m just trying to keep my own life on track. Trying to avoid crashing into the wall that I see others smashing into. Life is not easy! Relationships take more work than anything else in life.

I am far from perfect. My marriage is miles from where I’d like it to be. I yell at my kids. Mess up the finances from time to time. Look my failures in the face daily. But one thing I can say….


After today’s experience, I am even more convinced that I have everything to lose if I do not let Jesus take the wheel and lead me on this road of life. I’m letting go so He can have control.