
I was reading through old blog posts and found the one you’ll see below. It’s very appropriate for me as I prepare to get back to schooling. Many of us are praying, thinking and planning as we anticipate getting back to more structured schedules.  August dawns next week and when it fades, summer will too.

The Lord revealed something to me about motherhood that profoundly changed my outlook back in 2010. Sadly, I realized upon rereading the post this week that I had forgotten what He taught me. I have, once again, found myself praying (begging would be more accurate) for JOY in the midst of mothering. It’s endless, often thankless, and there’s rarely a feeling of completion or accomplishment. This post reminded me that as I embrace the nature of motherhood, I will find the joy that I miss when I resent the tough aspects of being a momma.

I pray that you are encouraged in your mothering journey as you read this one, fresh from the archives:

June 2010

I just returned from a retreat for homeschooling moms. God took our simple plans for a refueling, reviving weekend and He blew it out of the water!  The theme was “From Empty to Overflowing”. We talked a lot about allowing the Lord to fill us. Several times we delved into Psalm 23 and listened to what God had to say about His plans to fill us and provide for all of our needs. I learned so much from Him this weekend.

I have to admit that one thing I resent about mothering is the constant serving, constant demands, constant turnover of laundry, dishes, messes, food, etc.  How futile and unappreciated many of my responsibilities seem. I have been praying like crazy for God to fill my heart with joy as I serve at home. I long to be filled with joy no matter how many times I have to clean something, cook something, put something away.

I realized this weekend that my problem is that I want to be filled by the Lord, but I do not want to be emptied out! Each moment that I spend seeking His face and pouring through the pages of His word results in the filling of my “cup”.  God showed me that the reason He fills me is not so that I can stay full.  He does it so that I can be poured out into the lives of others around me. Then I can go back to Him and be filled anew… to be poured out again.

water wheel

God brought to mind a water wheel, and I thought about how each nook collects water on the upper part of its journey and then pours the water out on the lower part of its journey. The wheel goes around and around, repeating the same actions over and over again. To look at one revolution of the wheel, one would not be impressed with the outcome. However, as it moves through countless cycles, energy is produced. The wheel shows its effectiveness by plodding away, hour after hour, never giving up on its assigned work.

What a picture of motherhood.

I’m asking the Lord to fill me with joy and to remember that the repetitive revolutions of my day are accomplishing the great work that He has called me to:   raising educated, respectful, passionate children that will love Him and go wherever He wants to send them.

So, here I go again….


photo credit:

archives:  The U.C.C. Quarterly – Spring, 1944

water wheel: