Dear child of Mine,
Why do you stay away? Why must I watch from afar while you wrestle with your sins and emotions? I long to be near you.
I gave My life so that you would never stay away, so that you would never keep your distance because of the failures and sins you have committed. I knew you would sin everyday. I died because of that fact. I died to bridge the gap, to draw you close.
It is Satan’s lie that keeps you away. He wants you to think that you can’t come to Me because you have sinned. The truth is that you MUST come to Me because you have sinned. You must! You need my touch. My love. My grace and forgiveness. That is My desire for you– that you would come to Me, confess your sin, and let Me wash it away. That is My utmost purpose as your Savior. I want to draw you in and make you new once again. I long to do it over and over. I never tire of you.
Why do you listen to the lie of the enemy, yet ignore My words of love? I am your connection to grace. To love. To peace. To freedom. Come to Me, child!
I am not looking for perfection. My Father and I are perfect. There is no other. I am looking for you. Just you. You are the one that I love! Whatever you have done… I still love you. I am longing for you, to be with you, to love on you, to forgive and restore you.
You actually make light of My suffering and death on the cross when you stay away. I did it for you. Why would I do it if I thought you could handle being holy and sinless on your own? I did it because you need it. I did it because I love you and I want to have unbroken fellowship with you. Your sin separates you from the Father, but not from Me. I am your Redeemer… come to Me! I will restore you to the Father and we will be one. Come to Me and fall into My embrace.
I am able to save completely those who come to God through Me, because I always live to intercede for you. Hebrews 7:25 (NIV personalized)