I was reading this morning about how Jesus, after the “high” of getting baptized and being audibly affirmed by the Father in front of so many witnesses, was led into the desert for 40 days. It was there that the enemy tempted Him. This was a crucial time for Jesus… He would begin His public ministry after this time of solitude.
The Lord drew my attention to the fact that I have 40 days of homeschooling left. (8 weeks x 5 days = 40 days) This is a crucial time for me!
I sensed that this sudden awareness was a warning to me that the enemy was going to try to mess with my final 40 days of the year.
It is my desire to finish well! I have changed my approach to school a bit, chosen what we will complete (instead of feeling pressure to finish all of my curriculum) and I’ve given us space and grace to complete these lessons without piling too much on each day that is left.
Satan tempted Jesus in the same way that he tempts us: by appealing to our appetites, our greed, and our desire for status. (Luke 4:1-13) I’ve asked the Lord to make me aware of the enemy’s appeals and I’ve asked Him to be my strength in these final 40 days.