
Have you ever noticed how many times the Exodus story is recounted in the Old Testament? The Lord was very clear with His people that they should never forget how He saved them from slavery in Egypt. He wanted them to always remember how He brought them into their own land and blessed them.

I’m realizing that this “remember” mindset is key to living a life of joy, freedom, and peace. I have been reading the psalms every day for months now, and I come across passages like this all the time:

Why, my soul, are you downcast?
Why so disturbed within me?
Put your hope in God,
for I will yet praise him,
my Savior and my God.

My soul is downcast within me;
therefore I will remember you
from the land of the Jordan,
the heights of Hermon—from Mount Mizar.

Psalm 42:5-6

When we are downcast… depressed, feeling lonely and defeated, we need to turn our gaze upward. The Lord calls us to praise Him in these times. I find that this is the hardest time to praise Him! These verses are very clear though… we are to praise Him simply by remembering.

Remember how He has saved you in the past. Think back to when He rescued you. Look back to when He provided all that you needed. Remember all of the loving things that He has done for you.

As soon as I start doing this, I am lifted right out of the pits. The despair leaves and His peace comes. I am even able to experience joy. This is why the Lord always instructed His people to remember.

If you’re like me, there was a time when looking back did not bring me peace or joy. Remembering did not lead to praising my God. When you look into the past, are there seasons or moments when the Lord seemed absent? Uncaring? Angry? Distant?

I had a couple of moments in my life that were painful, to the degree that it paralyzed me to wonder where God was in those times. The things that happened to me were so ungodly that I couldn’t make sense of His part in it. Why did He let that happen?

I have a dear friend that challenged me to ask Him. Where were you God? Show me where You were. Show me Your heart. Why did you let that happen?

Well, I asked. And, of course, He answered. Not immediately, but over time He began to reveal things to my heart through scripture and in my prayer times.  Then one night, when some friends were praying over me, I saw some images in my mind. I saw myself in one of those painful situations. I saw the situation end the way I always remembered it, but then I saw Jesus enter the picture and minister to me in that painful moment. There were many tender words and actions that followed. I felt such healing!

I want to challenge you… if you are unable to look back and stand on what God has done for you in the past, then you need to ask Him to show you where He was. I promise you that He will answer. Be open to the ways that He will communicate to you! Through a movie, a bible verse, a word from a friend. Maybe a gentle whisper in your heart during your time of worship. Be ready to hear from Him!

As much as hope looks forward, faith looks backward. Our faith is strengthened every time we look back and praise our God for the miracles He has done in our lives. Take time every day to remember!

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