I was reading today in Acts 6 about the early operations of the church.   Christ had already ascended into heaven, leaving His 12 disciples to lead the believers in Jerusalem. Every day, new believers were being added as the disciples taught and shared what they had seen during their time with Jesus.

In Acts 6, the body of believers became so large that the disciples needed to start delegating.  There were some problems with their daily food ministry that fed those in need, especially widows.  The disciples decided to appoint seven men to run this food ministry, while they themselves continued in prayer and teaching the word.

At first read, it sounds like the teaching and prayer ministry was elevated above the food ministry. The scriptures refer to the ministry as “waiting on tables”.  I’m feeling a little like these seven delegates… assigned to serve in a daily food ministry.  To make meals for my family. To clean up their messes. To wash their clothes while they continue to perpetuate more laundry. To tend to their needs…. to even anticipate their needs. Lord, is this really all that you have for me?

The Lord began communicating to me through Acts 6 as I continued to read.  Look at the description of Stephen, who was first chosen as one of the leaders:

“a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit…”  Acts 6:5

Would a man such as this be limited to waiting tables??  Look at the other things that were said about him:

“Now Stephen, a man full of God’s grace and power, did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people.”   Acts 6:8

“Opposition arose, however, from members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen…these men began to argue with Stephen, but they could not stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke.”  Acts 6:9-10

When he was falsely accused of speaking against Judaism…

All who were sitting in the Sanhedrin looked intently at Stephen, and they saw that his face was like the face of an angel.”   Acts 6:15

Here is a man who loved the Lord, who radiated grace, and was overcome by His Spirit.  It didn’t matter where he was assigned to serve.   God used him in amazing ways wherever he went.

Am I assigned to my full time daily food ministry because I don’t have the gifts or the spirituality to do other things?  Am I excluded from doing front line ministry because most of my time is devoted to my homestead and those that live there?

God’s word tells me, through the life of Stephen, that I am NOT exempt from participating in wonders.  Signs.  Speaking irrefutable wisdom.  Engaging in spiritual warfare.  Do you see the key to being a vessel of wonder as Stephen was?


Stephen’s face actually had the appearance of an angel… as if He had been to heaven and soaked up some of the heavenly light. But we know he hadn’t been to heaven yet.  The secret?  He invited heaven into his life.  Into his heart. Into his mind.  He sat before the Lord daily and soaked up God’s Spirit and His light.

I want to glow like Stephen.  God will use me as a vessel of wonder if I seek Him and sit before Him daily.  I’m going to soak Him up and then see what He will do in and through me.  Bring on the wonders… both at home, and out there in the world!