the danger of comparison

The Lord has been working in me, teaching me about the dangers of comparison. I spent a good part of my devotional reading this summer in Psalm 73, which talks extensively about the subject. The writer talks about nearly losing his foothold (v. 2-3) and behaving like an emotional “beast” before the Lord (v. 21-22) because he got caught up in comparing himself to others. Only when he settled into God’s presence (v.16-17) did he have the right perspective of himself (v.23-28).

God has been talking to me about how His plans for me are unique. Since I am not on the same path as other people (even if they homeschool, blog, or teach the Word like I do) I cannot compare myself or my progress to someone who is not on the same path as I am. I cannot compare milestones or opportunities. It’s quite pointless. Measuring my progress against someone with a different timeline and a separate destination only brings heartache. I have to walk by faith, not by sight, and wait on the Lord as He opens doors and leads me where He wants me to go.

I often fall into the trap of comparing my gifts and how they manifest in my life to the gifts and talents of others. It’s a foolish habit, as I can no more control the gifts God’s given me than I can control the weather.

My eyes were opened and my mind was renewed this week as I pondered this often read passage:

Just as each of us has one body with many members,

and these members do not all have the same function,

so in Christ we, though many, form one body,

and each member belongs to all the others.

We have different gifts,

according to the grace given to each of us.

Romans 12:4-6

One phrase stood out, bringing correction to my thinking and freedom to my ever-comparing heart: we have different gifts according to His grace. Gifts do not vary according to our value, abilities, performance, or importance.


The same grace that saves me, that sustains me day to day, that meets me in my weakness and carries me…it’s the same grace that determines my gifts.

With that in mind, we ought to stop measuring, stop comparing, stop scrutinizing. The rest of the passage gives clear instruction:

If your gift is prophesying,

then prophesy in accordance with your faith;

if it is serving, then serve;

if it is teaching, then teach;

if it is to encourage,

then give encouragement;

if it is giving, then give generously;

if it is to lead, do it diligently;

if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

Romans 12:6-8

In a nutshell? Do what He has wired you to do. Stop looking to the right or to the left. Just do it.

He has not chosen anyone else to homeschool my seventh grader. He has not chosen anyone else to minister to my husband. He has not chosen anyone else to teach Bible lessons to preschoolers the first Sunday of each month. He must want me. He must want me there. Maybe I can settle into that kind of thinking and start humming a grateful note rather than an envious one.

More truth came when I was reading in 1 Peter this week.

Since you call on a Father

who judges each person’s work impartially,

live out your time as foreigners here

in reverent fear.

1 Peter 1:17

The first half of that verse spoke volumes to me. My eyes read the words, and the Holy Spirit flooded my heart with truth:

He sees me with Father’s eyes.

He doesn’t compare the work that I do to the work of others.

He views me as the unique individual that He made me to be.

He doesn’t have favorites.

Think on that for a minute. It’s true for you and for me.

God doesn’t compare you to anyone else.

So why would you or I want to do that? Like the Psalm 73 writer, we have to keep coming back to His presence and allow His truth about who we are to saturate our minds. We must let it become our identity and our reality. We must embrace who He made us to be and praise Him for it. At His feet, we surrender to His plans, His timing, His ways. We don’t need to look anywhere else.

Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.

Psalm 73:25





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photo credit: (my quote added)

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