My child,

So many things are out of your control. But they are not out of My control… they are in My hands.

If you were able to control everything in your life, then surely you would be responsible for how it all turns out. What an incredible amount of pressure to predict all of the variables of life and to protect all of the people involved. Are you really sure that you want to be in control?Read more »


Choosing curriculum has to be one of the most difficult things in the homeschooling journey. First of all, there are just too many choices.  A mother can get very overwhelmed searching for just the right materials to use in each subject. Whether browsing online or in person, it’s difficult to know what will work best. As a recovering perfectionist, I went in to homeschooling with an unhealthly view of curriculum. Like many moms, I put too much emphasis on it. It was as if I believed that school could not go on, and I would not be able to teach, without the perfect curriculum.Read more »