We have a warrior God. I heard a pastor say once that when it comes to spiritual warfare, the battle is not against us, but over us.  We are the spoils of war. The Lord is ever warring with the enemy for the salvation and transformation of His children.

This truth came alive as I read Psalm 139. Verse 5 says, “You hem me in—behind and before; you have laid your hand upon me.” I looked up the word “hem” in the original language, and discovered that it’s more of a battle term than a sewing term.

It means to press in, to confine, to besiege.  In His great love and passion, the Lord presses in to communicate with us. To protect us. To influence us.  His desire is to confine us to His presence so that we are never alone. He literally besieges our hearts, wanting to invade every empty and broken place so that He can bring healing and transformation.

The enemy wants to besiege us as well, with his lies and accusations. He wants to confine us with shame and bitterness. He wants to lay siege to our hearts in order to destroy us. What comfort we receive in knowing that God presses in first and foremost. We hold to the truth that we “are from God and have overcome (evil), because the one who is in (us) is greater than the one who is in the world.” (1 John 4:4)

The Lord prompted me to go out to our rose garden this morning, so I grabbed the pruning shears and a bucket on my way. As I snipped off the dead blooms, He spoke to me about the pruning that He does in my life.

Pruning is necessary. Shriveled blooms must be removed to make room for new blossoms. Wayward branches must be trimmed back to keep the rose bush where it belongs. Diseased portions must be trimmed off to keep the plant healthy.

God has many reasons for pruning things out of my life.  He may see a relationship, job, ministry, locale, or habit as unhealthy, diseased, or beyond fruitfulness.

Pruning is painful.  As I trimmed off old blooms that were clearly dead, the green flesh of each stem was visible. The branches were still full of life! There was no “snap” heard when I cut off the dead flower because the stem was still tender. I was instantly reminded of times in my life when God’s pruning felt like a wound in the tender places of my heart.

God may trim something that seems perfectly healthy or fruitful. It may be very painful to let go. There may be serious grieving involved! In His wisdom, the Lord may remove something for no apparent reason than to make room for something else. We must trust His hands as the Master Gardener and let Him do the work.

I’m being pruned as we speak! I keep trying to talk the Lord into keeping this particular branch. I see life in it! This morning, He agreed with me that there was still some value in it. However, there is far more value in letting it go to make room for something new.

Bittersweet. The pain of letting go combined with the joy and anticipation of God’s faithful work in my life. He is worthy of my trust, so I will let go….

Many christians would say that an important goal or mark of growth in their lives is becoming like Jesus. The Bible encourages us to cast off sin, to be loving, to forgive, to “walk as Jesus walked.” (1 John 2:6)

He has extended revolutionary love and grace to us.

“…when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.”  Titus 3:4-7

It doesn’t take much for us to understand that we need to be like Jesus and extend love and grace to others. However, we completely miss the boat when it comes to extending grace to ourselves.

I’m not talking about making excuses or justifying our selfish behavior.  It’s time to stop listening to the lies running through our heads. I’m a failure. I’m worthless. I’m not as skinny as so-and-so. Why can’t I get it together? If people knew the real me, they’d be shocked. Lies.

It’s time to start forgiving ourselves the moment that God forgives us. It’s time to start giving ourselves the opportunity to make mistakes.

If you want to be like Jesus, then give yourself grace. Right now. Today, tomorrow, and every day. Give grace to yourself because God always does.