I realized something interesting today while helping my daughter spell a word. She was trying to write “wisdom”. While going through each letter with her, I noticed that the word “do” is encased in the larger word.

Profound moment!! What is wisdom, without the “do”?

What’s the point of learning, gaining insight, acquiring understanding… if we “do” nothing with it? Wisdom is knowledge in action. It’s insight and awareness playing out in our everyday lives.

I may have an understanding that God is faithful, that His word is true, that He will never leave me or forsake me. However, walking a narrow path with desperate circumstances will allow me to practice what I understand.

Knowing becomes doing as I live out my belief in His faithfulness and love.

Lately, God is trying to teach me that the only thing I need is more of Him. I don’t need a set routine or schedule. I don’t need fancy homeschool curriculum. I don’t need a full checking account. I only need Him. I only need to feel the strength of His arms as He carries me through each moment of the day.

We’re finishing our fourth week of homeschooling… and I have to say that it’s gone completely different from what I expected! My 16 month old has given up his regular sleep routines, so everyday is different.  All of a sudden, he’s waking up at different times and varying the length of his naps. I never know how the day is going to go… I just have to hold on to Jesus. I am learning to be flexible. The structured routine is gone. The traditional way I taught school is not really compatible with an ebb-and-flow routine. My girls are becoming more independent students, and this former control-freak is growing more comfortable with letting them choose their rhythm and pace for the day!  I am becoming a much more creative and flexible teacher.

The Lord is revealing understanding and truth, and I am gaining wisdom as I “do” what He asks each day. Trusting in Him is no longer an idea or a belief.  Trusting in Him isn’t my plan B… after my plans have gone awry.  Trusting is what I “do” because I believe that He’s got me in His hands… it’s becoming a habit.

I’m slow… but I’ll get there!

Dear child of Mine,

Why do you stay away? Why must I watch from afar while you wrestle with your sins and emotions? I long to be near you.

I gave My life so that you would never stay away, so that you would never keep your distance because of the failures and sins you have committed. I knew you would sin everyday. I died because of that fact. I died to bridge the gap, to draw you close.

It is Satan’s lie that keeps you away. He wants you to think that you can’t come to Me because you have sinned. The truth is that you MUST come to Me because you have sinned. You must! You need my touch. My love. My grace and forgiveness. That is My desire for you– that you would come to Me, confess your sin, and let Me wash it away. That is My utmost purpose as your Savior. I want to draw you in and make you new once again. I long to do it over and over. I never tire of you.

Why do you listen to the lie of the enemy, yet ignore My words of love? I am your connection to grace. To love. To peace. To freedom. Come to Me, child!

I am not looking for perfection. My Father and I are perfect. There is no other. I am looking for you. Just you. You are the one that I love! Whatever you have done… I still love you. I am longing for you, to be with you, to love on you, to forgive and restore you.

You actually make light of My suffering and death on the cross when you stay away. I did it for you. Why would I do it if I thought you could handle being holy and sinless on your own? I did it because you need it. I did it because I love you and I want to have unbroken fellowship with you. Your sin separates you from the Father, but not from Me. I am your Redeemer… come to Me! I will restore you to the Father and we will be one. Come to Me and fall into My embrace.

I am able to save completely those who come to God through Me, because I always live to intercede for you.   Hebrews 7:25 (NIV personalized)

Well, today was our first day of homeschooling. As I’m blogging, the girls are behind me relishing their art assignment….  scrapbooking today! I thought it would be a treat for our first day.

I had the morning all planned out. I realized two weeks ago that my sweet cleaning lady was scheduled to come on the first day of school. No worries, I thought. We’ll do some schooling at Panera while she’s here.

I got up at 5:00, enjoyed my bible reading, and was getting ready to exercise when my baby boy woke up at 5:59 am. I went up to see if I could coax him back to sleep… to no avail. As I rocked him in his room, I started to worry. The schedule that I had mapped out in my head was ruined. It was impossible to put together a new schedule now that Levi would need to nap at 9:00 am!!!

I began to pray… thinking back to what God has been trying to teach me. I needed to be flexible. I had to let go of my agenda. Instead of mourning the loss of my agenda and my plans, I needed to look for what God had planned for me today.

I sensed that God was assuring me that Levi would be wiped out by the time we got to Panera, and he would sleep in his stroller while the girls and I tackled lesson 1 in each of their math books. Seemed like a long-shot, a sure-fire miracle… but God loves to do those kinds of things.

I marched on through the morning… did my exercise with a little boy underfoot.  (I know that you would have loved to see that one.) Finished the last minute pick-up around the house in anticipation of my cleaning lady. Coached the girls through their bible lessons. Packed up the car… and we were off to Panera!

Levi was slow to slumber at our off-site classroom, but we were finally able to get through math. Afterwards, we enjoyed a little excursion to the Mission Inn looking for pamphlets to use in California History this year. We came home for lunch and each dove into chapter 1 of some great novels.

I think back to my crisis in the rocking chair this morning. If not for Jesus, I would still be there crying over my lost schedule for the day. I am grateful for His lessons in flexibility. I would have loved for Him to schedule that lesson on another day… but alas, I am growing and He is pleased.

Maybe since I passed the test today, tomorrow will be easier….