There is a portion of my family that I have never met. I am so grateful for the technological age that we live in! I have been able to connect with some relatives on my father’s side that I have yet to embrace in person.

One example would be my cousin Amanda. It turns out that we have more in common than just being part of the Ryan clan…she is a homeschooling mom and a Christ-follower. I love how God uses facebook as His tool for encouragement.

Amanda started a blog not too long ago, and I was especially blessed by this post:

A Fresh Perspective

Last night as I was lying in bed waiting for sleep to overtake me, my mind was reflecting on my many shortcomings and weaknesses. I said to Kevin, in a rather discouraged voice, “I am so weary of dealing with my flesh.” Once more we lay in silence, until Kevin, tongue in cheek, said only this, “I like your flesh.” We laughed together and enjoyed a special moment of shared tenderness.

I am so blessed by a husband who loves me without reservation, who is my spiritual leader, and yet, at just the right moment, gives me a fresh perspective and helps me to laugh at discouragement. In Christ, we ARE overcomers. Because of this TRUTH, we can laugh at the hopelessness of becoming holy, because it isn’t us that does it. We can rest in Him.

Thank you, God, for the blessing of a husband who is just plain FUN to be around, and who keeps this serious-minded woman from caving in on her own seriousness.

I love the thought of laughing at hopelessness and discouragement. Because of what Christ has done for us, we really can have this kind of joy and freedom. Thanks for sharing, Amanda!

I was reading in Psalm 67 today…

1 May God be gracious to us and bless us and make his face shine upon us,

2 that your ways may be known on earth, your salvation among all nations.

3 May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you.

4 May the nations be glad and sing for joy, for you rule the peoples justly
and guide the nations of the earth.

5 May the peoples praise you, O God; may all the peoples praise you.

6 Then the land will yield its harvest, and God, our God, will bless us.

7 God will bless us, and all the ends of the earth will fear him.

I saw the simple cycle of praise and blessing. In the first two verses, we see that God showers us with grace and makes His presence known in our lives so that we will know Him personally.  He wants our reaction to be joy (v. 4-5). When we praise Him for the things He is doing and for the ways He is making Himself known to us, then He is inspired to do more (v. 6-7).

How often the Lord blesses me… and I don’t show my appreciation! Today this psalm reminded me to thank Him for all that He has poured into my life. It reminded me to look for the evidence that His blessings flow on a daily basis.

I had some thoughts about faith last night.  Since it was date night at Knott’s, there were no strollers, no sibling squabbles. Just grown-ups going on rides and enjoying good food and company.

As one of the roller coasters was pulling us into the loading dock, I had these thoughts:

How foolish to put my life in the hands of 18-year-old ride operators in a 20 year old car, coasting along on metal rails, cruising at dangerous speeds over asphalt and trees!!!! Why is it so easy to trust that the rollercoaster is going to stay on track and keep me safe?

If I can put my trust in a roller coaster, then why is it so hard to put my trust in God? Silence. Pit in stomach. Ouch.

I started thinking about the reasons that cause me to step out in faith on a roller coaster. It’s thrilling, of course. I have the opportunity to watch it run the track over and over. People get on, and they get off safe and sound. My faith and trust build as I witness others survive and enjoy the experience. The more that I ride the coaster, the more comfortable I become. Every time that I return safely to the dock, my faith is fueled and I have what I need to do it again.

So, what can I learn from roller coasters to develop my trust in God? I need to watch others in their faith walk. Take note of the tumultuous paths they endure… and eventually exit. Listen to their stories and let that strengthen my faith.

I need to keep trusting God with whatever He calls me to (and whatever He does not call me to).  Let Him lead, let Him conduct, let Him choose the track. Every time I follow Him on a roller coaster ride… I must look back and remember what I enjoyed. Keep record of the miracles He performed for me and the lessons He taught me.

The more I ride with Him… the more I will trust Him for the next round!