I was reading this morning about how Jesus, after the “high” of getting baptized and being audibly affirmed by the Father in front of so many witnesses, was led into the desert for 40 days. It was there that the enemy tempted Him. This was a crucial time for Jesus… He would begin His public ministry after this time of solitude.

The Lord drew my attention to the fact that I have 40 days of homeschooling left. (8 weeks x 5 days = 40 days) This is a crucial time for me!

I sensed that this sudden awareness was a warning to me that the enemy was going to try to mess with my final 40 days of the year.

It is my desire to finish well!  I have changed my approach to school a bit, chosen what we will complete (instead of feeling pressure to finish all of my curriculum) and I’ve given us space and grace to complete these lessons without piling too much on each day that is left.

Satan tempted Jesus in the same way that he tempts us:  by appealing to our appetites, our greed, and our desire for status. (Luke 4:1-13) I’ve asked the Lord to make me aware of the enemy’s appeals and I’ve asked Him to be my strength in these final 40 days.

Today is my 15th wedding anniversary.  This photo symbolizes our married life together more than any other, so I thought I’d share it!

It was raining the day we were married, and boy has it rained a lot in our married life!! We’ve weathered many storms together, as I’m sure you have too. We were fortunate to see a rainbow or two on the way to the reception that day, and God’s promise was evident… He wouldn’t give us more than we could handle. He would always be there to see us through the difficult times.

This picture is so meaningful to me for three reasons. One is because the umbrella serves as a symbol of God’s covering over us. We have been safe in His care in the midst of the wildest storms… unemployment, illness, miscarriage, looming foreclosure, loss of a ministry, friendship betrayal… the list goes on. He has covered us.

The second reason that I love this photo is because you can see our reflection in the water on the ground! Isn’t it interesting that we really see ourselves, for who we really are, when the storms come. I think that over the last 15 years, my husband and I have been transformed so much. Not just as a couple, but as individuals. Our reflections have changed through the years and we are looking more and more like the people that God wants us to be.

The third reason that I adore the photo is because we are together under there, and Manny is holding the umbrella. He has been there for me all these years… not always the way I wanted him to be, but he was there. He never gave up on me when I was hormonal, angry, overwhelmed, selfish, disinterested, dissatisfied, ungrateful, lost, or confused. He’s listened to a lot of *@#&*$# along the way, and took it in stride. He put his own needs on the back burner so many times because I needed something. He has loved me like he is supposed to; he has loved me like Christ loves the church. Now, he hasn’t executed it perfectly (yet)… but his intent was always to love me even if it came out “wrong” in my book.

It’s hard to believe that 15 years have gone by already. According to society’s standards, we are beating the odds… we are still married!  We’ve had some amazing times together. It’s never easy, rarely magical, not always peaceful, and full of surprises, but we are still married. When the storms came, we just huddled under the umbrella and tried not to shove each other out into the rain.

We’ll see what God has planned for the next 15 years! By then, we could be grandparents. (gulp!!) Whatever happens, we’ll still be cooped up under our umbrella looking for the rainbows!

I can’t believe that in the past 30 days, I have been sick 3 times. That’s more than the last year and half combined.  I really NEVER get sick!!

I know what this is about. It’s about a four-letter word that I have neglected. It’s something that I put last on the priority list. Something that I think I can do without.


In the middle of my stomach-flu stupor, I was reminded by my sweet-Colorado-blogging-homeschooling friend Gail… rest is SO important. She asked this question on her blog:

Have you learned what brings you rest?

I need rest!! I need to schedule time to be home alone for an hour or two at least once a week. That is the thing that re-energizes me the most. I also need to go to bed early a couple of times a week and let my hubby bring the baby to me for the last 11:00 pm feeding instead of waiting up. I need to decide at 10:00 am if a nap is on the schedule for the day… and make it happen.

If I don’t… well, we all know what will happen. I don’t want to go there again!! Lord, teach me to rest. I need to learn to rest. I need to learn how to make time to rest.