A quick post today:

The Lord loads the clouds with moisture;
he scatters his lightning through them.

At his direction they swirl around
over the face of the whole earth
to do whatever he commands them.

Job 37:11-12

Clouds are one of my favorite things that God has made.  They can come on a sunny day, offering shade.  They make sunsets so much more glorious.  However, clouds can also overpower the sun and obscure the light.  Clouds come with rain…with the storms.

He brings the clouds to correct men,
or to water his earth and show his favor and kindness.

Job 37:13

Has God brought clouds into your life today?  Are they casting shadows over you, or adding beauty to your sunset?  They have the ability to do both.  The Lord has brought these clouds to teach you something.  They will hover for a while.  Take comfort in His presence.  Soon, His clouds will bring showers of healing, provision, or release… whatever you need.  He loves you!

I’ve got these two quotes from Jesus swimming around in my head today:

“with God all things are possible.”  Matthew 19:26

“Everything is possible for him who believes.”  Mark 9:23

These verses seem to say everything we need to know… Believe in God.  Trust that He will fulfill His promises and answer your prayers.  There’s nothing too hard for God to accomplish. Don’t give up.

Yet, this morning, I became aware of what these verses do not say.

They do not promise quick answers. With God, all things are possible in HIS timing.  When HE knows you are ready.  When HE is satisfied that you have let go of all the things you were clinging to.  When His heart is full because you have learned to trust Him and praise Him while you wait.

These verses do not promise that the results will be exactly what you had in mind. God is the ultimate multi-tasker.  He has multiple agendas… your growth, the salvation of others around you, preparation for future events, the refining of your character. So, the thing you asked for, which is possible with God when you believe, may not come in the package that you imagined. You will get healing, but maybe not the exact kind you initially asked for. You will receive provision, but maybe not the way you anticipated.

The verses above do not guarantee that the road will be easy. All things are possible.  But what will it cost us?  What will we have to lay down at His feet in order to see the fulfillment?  How many people will we see receive their answers before ours is realized?  How many people will criticize you for waiting on Him rather than taking action?

This month, I am watching two amazing journeys come to fruition.  One took 18 months, and the other took 2 years to finally arrive.  It has been a hard road.  I have believed much, and I have doubted much.  I have rejoiced often and grieved just as often.  I have drawn close to the Lord, and yet I have run away over and over again. I have seen provision come to others that haven’t waited as long as me… yet I’ve received so much grace that it doesn’t matter any more.

I’m watching the financial provision roll in.  I’m watching God save my house in a way that I never imagined and I haven’t heard another testimony like it.  I’m waiting for a promised baby boy to arrive any day now.  I know that God’s promises are true.  With God, all things are possible.  Nothing can stop Him.  Not the economy, not the odds, not your hard heart.  He will do what He has promised.

And what He has promised is so much better than anything you can imagine.  Just believe.

Last month, when I went to a Joyce Meyer conference, I heard her say something (multiple times) that I had never heard her say before.

What God orders, He pays for.

It might not sound as spiritual as I’d like it to… but this is absolute truth. I’ve spent my entire adult life trying to pay for all the things I want – all the things I’ve ordered.  As you might have guessed, it hasn’t worked out so well.

However… when God orders something, He pays for it.  When He starts something, He finishes it.  When He calls me to do something, He provides everything that is needed to carry it out.

I’ve have seen this SO clearly in the last several months.  It was the Lord who asked me to have another child. It was the Lord who began this little life inside of me last Labor Day weekend.  My husband and I had already given up trying to make it happen ourselves.  We resolved to just wait and see when God would do what He said He would do.  Honestly, we didn’t even give Him many opportunities (if you know what I mean) last summer.  So, when we weren’t looking, God put in His order for a baby boy and we were a bit surprised (considering the odds we had given Him) and very excited when we found out I was pregnant.

Of course, all of the baby items at our house had long since been donated, yard saled, or thrown away.  We had practical, cheap, self-employed medical insurance, which involves a $5000 deductible.  Like many others in America today, we were facing tough financial times.  It was clear from the get-go that God would have to do a miracle to provide all that was needed for this baby.

Over the last several months, we’ve seen His miracle provision.  We have been given every baby item known to man.  I may not even need to do laundry as long as our baby boy is in the 0-3 month size range…. he has more than enough to wear when he gets here!  Amazingly, God has provided all of the $5000 to cover our insurance deductible.  In addition, God has allowed us to prepare a room for our baby boy…in a home we weren’t sure we’d be able to keep. There is nothing more that we need in order to welcome our son into the world.

This baby was God’s idea… His order.  It didn’t cost us anything (except the willingness to follow along and the criticism of some people who thought we were crazy).  God has paid for the whole thing, and we are the ones who are reaping the benefits.  Incredible dividends.

So what has God ordered in your life?  What has He planned for you?  Know that He will provide ALL that is needed to cover the miracle, the ministry, the transition in your life.  What God orders, He pays for.  You just wait and see!

“I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being…”   Ephesians 3:16

“And my God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.”   Philippians 4:19