I’m still pondering Psalm 16.  The Lord really spoke to me through those verses.  I’m still thinking about how He lays out the boundary lines in our lives (verse 6).

The psalmist says that the boundary lines that God set for him have fallen in “pleasant places”.  I think it takes alot of gratitude to have this proper perspective.

I can’t help but look beyond my boundary lines to see what you have, what she is getting to do, what I don’t have.  I keep looking beyond the fence…which is truly the loving perimeter that God has chosen for me.  Instead of focusing on all of the blessings that fall within my boundaries, I’ve been looking beyond God’s current provision for me.  Whining. Comparing.  Envying.

I’m finding that the more grateful I am for what’s around me, the less my eyes wander out there. My challenge for you (and for me) today is to look around and observe the “pleasant places” that God has designed for us.  What He has chosen for us today is His absolute best for us.  His boundary lines are exactly where they need to be.

The Lord made this psalm very personal for me today.  Thought I’d share…

I keep you safe, My love.  Take refuge in Me.

I am your Lord.  Apart from Me, you have no good thing.

You are My daughter, set apart in the land.  You are My glorious one and I delight in you.

Your sorrow will increase if you run after other things; other gods.  Have nothing to do with them.  Do not speak their names.

I have assigned you the portion you need.  I have filled your cup.  I have made your provision secure.

I have set your boundary lines in pleasant places.  Surely you have a delightful inheritance from Me.

Praise Me now, for I am the One who counsels you.  Even at night, you hear the instructions I have set in your heart.

I am before you.  I am at your right hand, so you will never be shaken.

Be glad in your heart and rejoice in Me.   Let your body rest secure in Me.

I will never abandon you.

I will never let you go.

I am making known to you the path of life.

Come into My presence and be filled with joy.  Only then will you know eternal pleasure. It comes from Me alone.

I woke up this morning feeling so anxious.  I laid in bed from 5:30-6:00 a.m. trying to pray it down and hand over all of my worries to the Lord.

It was no surprise when my husband told me that I was talking in my sleep last night. I used to have ongoing episodes when I would sit up in bed and say all kinds of crazy things.  Usually in a very agitated way.  Sometimes I would even be convinced that someone was in the room and that’s what I was ranting about.

It took me a while to figure out that it was stress-related.  When the episodes first started a couple of  years ago, I was under an immense amount of stress (mostly self-inflicted because I insisted on wearing too many hats at one time).  I’m happy to say that it’s been some time since my last sleep-talking incident.  However, yesterday was a long day… lots to think about… and I took it all to bed rather than giving it to God.  I see that He is using this physical symptom to show me that I am anxious instead of trusting Him.

So I kept praying for peace this morning and my anxiety only seemed to increase because I couldn’t get the peace I wanted.  Then I caught a glimpse of myself demanding peace from God.  Clearly, it wasn’t the most effective approach.

I finally shut up for a minute and I heard God’s familiar word come back to me.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.  And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”   Philippians 4:6-7

So simple, I know. But when I forget to practice the simple things, I end up in a mess.

The first part of the verse is comedy to me.  “Be anxious for nothing.”  That’s like telling a type-A gal like me to stop breathing.  However, the command doesn’t stop there. God gives the alternative plan. “But in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”  I had the prayer and petition part going.  But, I forgot the thanksgiving part.  I forgot to thank God for all of the ways He has rescued me and led me and provided for me in the past.  I forgot to praise Him for being so faithful and loving.

Once I started praising Him and thanking Him for those things, then “the peace of God, which transcends all understanding” came to ” guard my heart and mind in Christ Jesus”.  That is the simple truth that I forgot amidst my sleep-talking, peace-demanding frenzy. Thanksgiving.

When I began to praise Him for what He’s already done, then I found it so easy to praise Him for what I know He will do:

  • Thank you, Lord, that you have an abundant provision stored up for me and my family. We cannot wait to see you release it.
  • I give you honor, Lord, because I know that you will take these temporary struggles and you will produce spiritual growth and eternal glory from them. I trust you in this storm.
  • I praise you, Lord, that you have amazing plans for my children and their growth:  spiritually, emotionally, and academically.  I look forward to knowing your will as you reveal it to me. I don’t need to see down the entire path because I am holding your hand as you lead me one step at a time.
  • I give you glory, Lord, because I know that you are always working on my behalf.  Even though I am often unaware, I thank you for all the ways that you are fighting for me.
  • I praise you, God, because nothing can take away your love for me!
  • I thank you for the peace that you have just poured out in my heart and mind.