Those of us recovering from perfectionism and performance-based living have condemned ourselves for many things. Yet Christ has removed our condemnation. Remember this from Romans 8:1? “There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Perhaps you’ve only thought about this verse in spiritual terms. But what if God meant that there is also no condemnation for your body, wrinkles, or flaws? What if He meant that there is no condemnation for what you choose to eat or how much you move your body? Receive this truth anew, my friend. There is no condemnation for you since you are in Christ Jesus. God wants you to receive that today!
>>>Podcast Episode 2.5 // Pressing in to Psalm 32 and Our Hiding Place
This week on the podcast we’re talking about how God is our hiding place and how He ministers to us there. If you need some encouragement, check it out. In each episode, we go through the verses, explore the meaning, then end with praying them through together. Never more than 15 minutes. Click here to listen to episode 2.5
>>>Mini-retreat webinar on August 5th
Last week in the newsletter, my device autocorrected the date for my free webinar and I didn’t catch it! The correct date is Saturday, August 5th, from 10:00 am-12:00 pm PST. I’d love to have you join me for this mini-retreat! We will take the time to practice spending time in the Lord’s presence together. I’ll be sending registration information out soon.
We are encouraged to come to God with whatever is on our minds. On a typical day, I ask Him to take care of issues with my family members and friends. I ask Him to help me with whatever I am personally facing and pray about the areas I need to grow in. As people and situations cross my mind throughout the day, I pray for those too.
One day, about 10 years ago, God posed a question to me that dramatically changed my prayer life and my view of prayer:
Why do you ask Me in prayer to do things that I am already doing?
I stopped in my tracks. Why would I ask Him to do something He’s already doing? Was it because I feared He would forget? Or because He wouldn’t think of something in particular if I didn’t suggest it?
His question wasn’t a condemnation of my prayer life; simply a call to be more thoughtful about what I was praying.
At first, I struggled with what to say. It seemed like every request that came out of my mouth was something He was already doing. It pushed me to go deeper, to think more about what I was praying, and why.
I started changing my prayers from things like, “Lord, speak to me,” to “Lord, help me to hear what You’re already communicating to me.”
I caught myself praying, “Lord, protect my loved one,” and changed it to, “Lord, remind my loved one of Your ongoing protection and help them to fully trust in You.”
I began to pause for a moment before praying to think about what I already knew God was doing— based on His promises and how I could see Him working. Then I considered how I might support His work in prayer. I started praying more for eyes to be opened, for hearts to be soft and willing, and for awareness to be opened to the reality of God’s presence and His action in our lives.
I began pausing and asking if there was something in particular that God wanted me to pray. Imagine asking God what I should pray for myself! I could more fully participate in my own growth and transformation. Imagine asking God what I should pray for my loved ones! I could gain insight into their needs and their personal growth and better support them.
Prayer is not a one-sided conversation. Let’s slow down and see what He is saying to us and let that shape what we say to Him.
>>>Podcast Episode 2.4 // Pressing in to Numbers 6 and God’s Blessing Over You
If you haven’t had a chance to listen to my podcast, this episode is a great place to start! We spent this 15 minute episode pressing in to the blessing that God has been speaking over his people for generations. I believe that God wants to bless you today, especially if you’re feeling discouraged or distant from Him. This recording will position you to receive what He wants to pour out. Click here to listen!
>>>Mini-Retreat Webinar
Mark your calendars for Saturday, August 5th. I’ll be offering a webinar that morning where we will practice entering into the Lord’s presence together. This will be a time of renewal for your mind and refreshment for your soul. I’m preparing to share this on my social media platforms and I’ll let you know when the free registration opens up!
While many of us know Psalm 23 by heart, we often overlook the deep treasures hidden in this passage. Perhaps the most important lesson in these familiar verses is hiding in plain sight.
I discovered it when the Holy Spirit whispered, “Look at the verbs”. Then another suggestion, “Look at who is performing the action of the verbs”.
What a revelation! When I considered the balance of these actions and responsibilities, they nearly all belonged to the Shepherd, not the sheep. That certainly didn’t represent how my life was playing out. I had been assigning all of the verbs to myself, feeling responsible for everything.
The shepherd by nature provides, leads, restores, guides, comforts, prepares, and anoints.
And the sheep? They want for nothing. They lie down and rest. They trust. They receive a bounty from the Shepherd’s table. They are anointed and dwell with the Shepherd forever.
We can’t get around this truth: we are meant to receive and abide far more than we are meant to do and achieve.
Take a look at the verbs in Psalm 23 and the verbs in your own life. What can you learn from the balance of responsibilities in these beloved verses?
>>>Podcast Episode 2.3 // Pressing in to Matthew 11 & the Invitation to Spiritual Rest
If you’re feeling exhausted in your faith, this one is for you! The episode is only 12 minutes, but full of helpful insights. I spent a week pressing in to Matthew 11:28-30… such a perplexing passage! Who talks about rest using a work analogy? Well, Jesus does, and there is so much encouragement there. I hope you’ll listen on your favorite podcast platform. Click here to listen!
>>>Mini-retreat Webinar coming soon!
I will be hosting a 2-hour webinar in August with the sole purpose of gathering women together to press in to God’s presence! Since you’re on my email newsletter list, you’re the first to hear about it. I’ll be sharing more information soon, but I hope you’ll join me for this mini-retreat. I’m praying that it will be like a day spa for your soul!