Started my quiet time this morning by reading this blog post written by one of the founders of  Good Morning Girls (an online accountability ministry). Courtney writes that we need to beware of the world of blogging because it is a great venue for false teaching. Whatever we read on a person’s blog, we must make sure it lines up with scripture, especially if you feel an internal nudge to explore the idea more. The Holy Spirit will tell you if something is awry, but you  must be tuned in to listen. If you come across an idea presented by a blogger that is new to you, I recommend that you look up scriptures to check it out for yourself.

This came as a definite warning to me as a blogger. I need to remember to back up my ideas and perspectives with the word of God. I challenge you to look up the things that I am talking about in my posts and make sure that my writings align with God’s writings. If you ever have a question about something I’ve posted, or think that I might be off a bit, feel free to email me.

The trouble with false teaching is that it can closely resemble God’s truth. Beware “of such men (who) are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ.” (2 Cor 11:13)

The enemy is sure to include enough familiar Christian teaching to make us comfortable, so that we do not detect the false teaching that will slowly but surely draw our hearts away from Christ. That is always the goal of false teaching… to take the focus off of Jesus as the Son of God and Savior of mankind.

I’m mindful of the wacky prophecies made about the rapture occurring this year. We may get a laugh out of the ramblings of an old man, or we might get irritated about his ignorance of Matthew 24:36 (“no man knows the day or hour”), but be assured that Satan made some major progress in discounting the idea of Christ’s second coming.  The world is scoffing… with no concern about being ready for this real event that will come at the appointed time known only by God the Father.

That false teaching was easy to spot, right? Be on your guard against teachings that will more subtly and slowly draw you away from the truth that you believe. Don’t be fooled by the enemy’s masquerade.

It’s crucial that we keep a firm grip on what we’ve heard so that we don’t drift off.   Hebrews 2:1 msg

Remember when some of Jesus’ disciples were walking along the road and He appeared to them after He had resurrected from the dead? Luke 24 says that they walked and talked with Christ, even invited Him in for a meal, but they did not recognize Him until “their eyes were opened and they recognized him” (verse 31). What I never realized until this morning was that just a few verses later in that chapter of Luke, we see something similar:

While they were still talking about (what happened with the disciples on the road), Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, “Peace be with you.”  (After some eating and discussion)  Jesus said to them, “This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms.”  Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures.  (Lk 24:36,44-45)

There is definitely a theme here. Christ, through the presence of the Holy Spirit within us, has the power to open our eyes and our minds. When it seems that He is absent from our circumstances, He can open our eyes and show us His presence in that very moment. When we are reading the scriptures and we don’t understand, He can open our minds to understand what we are wrestling with. He can open our hearts to receive it and apply it appropriately.

People often ask me how I get such insight from God’s word when I teach or blog. Clearly, it is the Holy Spirit revealing truth to me. I make no claim to great depths of spiritual knowledge. Heck, I doubt my own sanity on a daily basis! If I were to recommend ONE thing to you in regard to studying and understanding the Bible, I would say to read the passage over and over again. Read it in several different versions. ( is excellent for this…you don’t have to buy a bunch of bibles.) When I teach, I read the passage I’m covering probably 50-75 times. Maybe more.

Why do we work so hard to figure out God’s will on our own?  Why do we pound the commentaries and bible dictionaries to make sense of the scriptures? While studying is important and I do it often, we often forget about the most important resource that we have. Christ’s very presence in us through the Holy Spirit. The Creator of the perfect plan for our lives, and the very author of the Bible are dwelling within us. We only have to press in, be quiet, and listen for the still small voice that will surely come.

It’s a double-post kind of day!

This morning, I was doing my study in Hebrews 1 and was led to Proverbs 7.

1 My daughter, keep my words
and store up my commands within you.
2 Keep my commands and you will live;
guard my teachings as the apple of your eye.
3 Bind them on your fingers;
write them on the tablet of your heart.

I saw verse 2 in a new light… the bible speaks many times about how WE are the apple of God’s eye (for example, in Psalm  17:8). The phrase is an expression of love that we still use today. The double use of the phrase in scripture creates a comparison. If I am the apple of His eye, and He would like to see His teachings (the Bible) become the apple of my eye, then consider this…Maybe I should love His word as much as He loves me!

I heard a teacher once explain that the expression “apple of your eye” comes from the idea that when I gaze at an apple, it is reflected in my pupil. When God gazes at me, I am reflected in His eye. I should daily gaze at His word so that it is reflected in me.