You never know what the day will hold!! I dropped my daughter off at a club meeting about 11 miles from our house. On the way home, I decided to avoid the terribly congested freeway and take the windy road through Lake Matthews.

As my car approached the section of road that goes up and over the lake, I noticed the car in front of me getting impatient.  She made the mistake of moving a little too far to the right. Suddenly, the dust and gravel on the side of the road got under her tires… and she lost control. Swerving one way, and then the other, her car was facing me in a matter of seconds and I looked her right in the eyes. It was unbelievable! A moment later, she smashed into the half-wall that kept her from plummeting to the bottom of the lake.

I was so shaken! Half thrilled that my car did not get sucked into that destructive vortex… and half panicked about the condition this woman would be in when I approached her car. Thankfully, several people stopped and someone helped the injured driver step out of her car.

So thankful. So grateful to have averted disaster.

Now that I am home… this crash has me thinking and praying. And a little ticked.

I am so tired of watching people in my life spin out. Swerve across the lanes of their lives. Crash into the wall and hurt other people. I am stinking mad at the enemy who lives to destroy families, isolate people, and break hearts.

I’m seeing marriage after marriage end. I’m watching good people try to do what’s right and hurt others in the process. I’m witnessing relationship after relationship implode as miscommunication and hurt feelings run rampant.

Meanwhile, I’m just trying to keep my own life on track. Trying to avoid crashing into the wall that I see others smashing into. Life is not easy! Relationships take more work than anything else in life.

I am far from perfect. My marriage is miles from where I’d like it to be. I yell at my kids. Mess up the finances from time to time. Look my failures in the face daily. But one thing I can say….


After today’s experience, I am even more convinced that I have everything to lose if I do not let Jesus take the wheel and lead me on this road of life. I’m letting go so He can have control.

I’m such a planner and controller.  For years and years, even as a Christian, I decided where I was going, what I was doing, what the family was doing, and I tried to make it all look like something God would want me to do.

It’s only been in the last couple of years that I have been learning to set aside my planning and controlling, and let God lead where He wants to lead.  The funny thing is… His plans have been nothing like mine.  Not at all what I had in mind.

He’s led me to do some extremely unconventional things.  I’ve had to wait a lot longer than I’ve ever waited for anything.  I’ve taken some crazy risks and experienced some tough losses.   I’ve had people look at me like I am nuts.  I’ve had good Christian people tell me that I’m doing it all wrong.   All I can say is, I’m following God’s lead.  I’m only going to do what He asks me to do.  Yes, I’m making some mistakes along the way, but I am determined to do it His way.

Yesterday, I was reading Habakkuk…a little book with a funny name.  Something he said really caught my eye:

I will climb up to my watchtower and stand at my guardpost.
There I will wait to see what the Lord says and how he will answer my complaint.   Habakkuk 2:1

This is where I have been.  Watching, waiting, not moving until I heard from Him.  I do have to confess that sometimes I ask, and then I get too afraid to hear His answer.  So, occasionally I’m hiding out under the watchtower rather than standing boldly at the top.  But still, I am learning not to act without His direction.

Habakkuk was a prophet during one of Israel’s most wretched seasons.  They were deep in idolatry and wickedness.  The people were not listening to God’s word or His prophets.  Habakkuk went to God (in chapter 1 of  the book) and begged Him to do something.  God responded to Habakkuk by letting him know that the Babylonians were soon going to come and God would bring discipline on His people through this conquering nation.  Of course, Habakkuk was distressed by this plan.  It was not at all what he had in mind!

So, he went back to prayer with his concerns about the Lord’s plan.  God let him know that the disobedient people need to be humbled, but that the faithful could surely trust Him no matter what happened:

See, he is puffed up, his desires are not upright- but the righteous shall live by faith…”  Hab 2:4

After hearing God’s response in chapter 2, Habakkuk gets back to praising God for who He is and how He has always been faithful.  Chapter 3 is full of hope.  Even though Habakkuk isn’t looking forward to the coming destruction of the Babylonians, he is looking forward to see what God will do through the difficulties:

Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls,

yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will be joyful in God my Savior.

The Sovereign LORD is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
he enables me to go on the heights.    Habakkuk 3:17-19

This is the kind of faith and courage I want to have.  God is doing amazing things in my midst.   Who am I to argue with the means that He chooses?  If I want to go on the heights – the high places – then I must be prepared to walk whatever path He leads me on.  I can’t worry about how hard it is.   How crazy it is.  How foolish I might look.  What I stand to lose in the process.  I just have to follow.

This reminds me of a devotion I read in Streams in the Desert the other day.  It was talking about the widow in 2 Kings 4… when God was about to meet her desperate need.  He told her (through the prophet Elisha) to go in the house with her two sons and shut the door.  This probably seemed crazy and pointless to the woman.  Here is a portion of the writer’s thoughts about this bible passage:

The widow and her two sons were to be alone with God.  They were not dealing with the laws of nature, human government, the church, or the priesthood.  Nor were they even dealing with the prophet Elisha anymore.  They had to be isolated from everyone, separated from human reasoning, and removed from the natural tendencies to prejudge their circumstances.

At certain times and places, God will build a mysterious wall around us.  He will take away all the supports we customarily lean upon, and will remove our ordinary ways of doing things.  God will close us off to something divine, completely new and unexpected, and that cannot be understood by examining our previous circumstances.  We will be in a place where we do not know what is happening, where God is cutting the cloth of our lives by a new pattern, and thus where He causes us to look to Him.

Most Christians lead a treadmill live– a life in which they can predict almost everything that will come their way.  But the souls that God leads into unpredictable and special situations are isolated by Him. All they know is that God is holding them and that He is dealing in their lives. Then their expectations come from Him alone.

This really spoke to me!!  I lived that treadmill life for so long… so predictable because I was calling the shots!

Now God is choosing for me, and what an adventure it has been.  Instead of being on the treadmill, going nowhere, I am reaching new heights and experiencing challenges and miracles that I would never have imagined.  Not at all what I had in mind…. but worth every second!

I read a certain verse a few weeks ago, and it has been on my mind since then.  I had never noticed it before.  The reality of these words struck me and I can’t help but think about them. All the time.

The words come from Luke 23.  In the text, Pontius Pilate has brought together the chief priests, the Jewish leaders, and the people. Jesus has already been arrested, questioned, shuffled back and forth between King Herod and Pilate.  Neither of these authorities can find any basis for executing Jesus, but the people (incited by the religious leaders) are demanding that Jesus be crucified.  Pilate must follow tradition and release one prisoner for the Passover Feast, and he is shocked when the people ask for the notorious Barabbas instead of the innocent Jesus.  He decides to grant the people’s maddening request, releasing Barabbas and sending Jesus to the cross.  You know the story well.  Me too.  But you may have missed a minor detail like I did. This is what the last phrase of Luke 23:25 (NIV) says about Pilate and the people:

He surrendered Jesus to their will.

My first reaction– this is totally backwards thinking!!  But how often is this true in our lives?  It’s backwards living!!  How often do we ignore the Lord’s promptings and His word?  How often do we force Him to surrender to our will?  We lose out on what He had planned…

  • amazing opportunities to be used by Him
  • abundant blessings from His hand
  • awesome demonstrations of His power and love

And then He has to re-route us to get us back on track with His will. Most times, the opportunites go to someone else. The blessings wait, never discovered. The demonstrations of His power and love are a part of someone else’s testimony — not ours.

I want to surrender myself to Jesus’ will.

It has to be a conscious choice.  We have to lay down our own will.  Sometimes we have to lay it down over and over again until we get it right.  Many times, we have to ask for the willingness to lay down our own will.  The Holy Spirit will provide the willingness.  It’s His desire to work in us and enable us to surrender to Jesus.

Are you living backwards?