Giving birth to a child is an amazing thing.  It doesn’t take long for us to fall in love with the little bundle that we bring home from the hospital. They smell so sweet and fit so perfectly in our arms.

Our babies attach themselves to us pretty quickly. However, it’s their needs that outweigh all other movitation. They want us because we are the ones with the milk, and we have the ability to comfort them. They don’t know what love is yet.

Then one day, it all changes. They look at us with a big drooley smile and a sparkle in their eyes.  It’s undoubtedly the look of love.

It happened this week.  I saw it in little Levi’s face.  He loves me!  He is thrilled to see me, to hear my voice, and to be in my arms.   It made all the sleepless nights, all the fussy evenings, all the miles on the rocking chair worth it. Suddenly I forgot about the endless demands and just thanked God for this sweet baby.

It made me think about how much God longs to see that look of love in our eyes.

“But my eyes are fixed on you, O Sovereign LORD; in you I take refuge.” Psalm 141:8