baby levi for blog
Levi Simeon

As you might have guessed, I’ve been a little distracted.  Haven’t had much time to get to my blog.  Our little Levi came a week and a half ago, and we are just caught up in baby love.

I had a quick thought to share while my little one sleeps.

I’m amazed at the JOY I find in meeting my baby’s needs and how quickly I am learning to discern what he desires.  Right now, it’s my number one desire to care for him. It’s a joy, not a chore, to do so.

In the midst of my wonder…God gently reminded me that He rejoices in caring for me.  He loves to anticipate my needs and prepares my provision in advance.  He easily discerns my cries and knows what each tear means.

He loves you and me with an everlasting love. His eye is always on you and His ear is always attentive to your cry. He is the perfect Father!

Trust in His love and care today.