Giving birth to a child is an amazing thing.  It doesn’t take long for us to fall in love with the little bundle that we bring home from the hospital. They smell so sweet and fit so perfectly in our arms.

Our babies attach themselves to us pretty quickly. However, it’s their needs that outweigh all other movitation. They want us because we are the ones with the milk, and we have the ability to comfort them. They don’t know what love is yet.

Then one day, it all changes. They look at us with a big drooley smile and a sparkle in their eyes.  It’s undoubtedly the look of love.

It happened this week.  I saw it in little Levi’s face.  He loves me!  He is thrilled to see me, to hear my voice, and to be in my arms.   It made all the sleepless nights, all the fussy evenings, all the miles on the rocking chair worth it. Suddenly I forgot about the endless demands and just thanked God for this sweet baby.

It made me think about how much God longs to see that look of love in our eyes.

“But my eyes are fixed on you, O Sovereign LORD; in you I take refuge.” Psalm 141:8

Life has been crazy lately. Trying to homeschool a third and a sixth grader, care for an infant, and keep a house in order on insufficient sleep is a little more than I can handle. I am definitely over my limit.

Yet, I know that God has called me to this time and place in my life. This sweet baby was His idea. God is the One that showed me how much my 9 year old needs one-on-one schooling. The details that need to be managed at home are numerous…but only evidence that God has blessed our family immensely.

I’m over my limit because, once again, I am trying to do this on my own. This is a mountain that I keep going around and around…. when will I learn?

I believe that God is allowing the pressure in my life to increase so that I will turn to Him and learn to trust Him more. He wants to do this work through me… all I have to do is allow His love, power, and grace to flow through me.

I read this quote by Oswald Chambers this morning, and it confirmed what God has been trying to communicate to me lately:

If we are to be disciples of Jesus, we must be made disciples supernaturally; as long as we have the dead set purpose of being disciples (by our own power) we may be sure that we are NOT.

He says, “I have chosen you.”

That is the way the grace of God begins…we can disobey it, but we cannot generate it.

Our Lord’s making of a disciple is supernatural. He does not build on any natural capacity at all. God does not ask us to do the things that are easy to us naturally; He only asks us to do the things we are perfectly fitted do to by His grace, and the cross will come along that line always.

So, today and I am not going to try to BE anything. I cannot generate the grace that I need for today. I am going to REST in the Lord and let Him do all things through me. What a blessed relief!

My three month old baby hates to be in the car. He screams like crazy whenever I have to take  him somewhere. My daughters and I have nearly gone mad having to ride with him! The other day, my nine year old asked me to turn on some music in the car. She handed me a Switchfoot CD and asked me to turn it up. I had to crank it up pretty high to hear it over the baby’s shrill cries.

Then something amazing happened. He stopped crying.  I guess he likes his music loud.

Needless to say, we’ve been listening to a lot of Switchfoot in the car. One of the songs that is sticking with me is “The Shadow Proves the Sunshine”.

You can’t have a shadow unless there is sunshine.  Something blocks the sunlight, and the shadow is created.

I was thinking about the shadows in my own life. How the dark days that I face sometimes prove that there is light shining on me. On one side of me, the Lord is shining His light. On the backside, there are some shadows. I can’t have one without the other.

I have a choice to make. Do I turn my head toward the shadow and focus on its darkness, or do I turn my face to His light? I must fix my eyes on the love, grace, and power of Jesus in my life. He is shining on me. I can feel it.